Contest alert! Win a heat pump costume!

October 12, 2023

Whats the hottest and coolest costume this Halloween?

Trick or treat, cool or heat?

We don’t just talk the heat pump talk, we dress the heat pump walk. Literally. We like to dress up as electric appliances. Apart from the extremely flattering boxy design, there is a method to our electricostumery. We introduced Mr. Heat Pump to the world to get the word out about this 2-in-1 machine. Because a shocking number of Americans have no idea what a heat pump is, much less what one looks like.

We all deserve comfortable living spaces, and heat pumps provide heating and cooling all year round, in all climates, no gas required. That is news worth sharing. If it takes a group of us dressed as heat pumps to do it, then suit us up. And now, we want to give three lucky electrifiers the chance to join our motley costume crew.

This could be you!

In this season of monsters and ghouls, we want to share three scary good facts about our favorite boxy appliance.

#1 Heat pumps cut your carbon emissions a frighteningly good amount!

  • The numbers don’t lie: 98% of U.S. households would cut their carbon emissions by installing heat pumps. That means the odds that you’re in one of those households is scary good. 😱

#2 There is a whole family of heat pumps!

  • Heat pumps come in many shapes and sizes, performing different functions in your home. There are options for every home (even this home 👇). Snaps for that.
  • Heat pump clothes dryer: Keep your witch robes black with this appliance that is gentler on clothes, doesn’t require ventilation, and uses less energy.
  • Heat pump water heater: Heat pump water heaters can keep the hot water flowing to warm up even the chilliest of bones. All while being three to four times more efficient than their gas-powered counterparts.
  • Heat pump HVAC: Performing the dual function of a heating and cooling system, heat pumps are a single appliance that can do it all. They could even solve your Halloween costume party dilemma.

#3 Heat pumps keep you cool when it’s hot!

  • Those goosebumps on your arms, that chill down your spine? They’re not from any ghost or ghoul – they’re from your heat pump working to keep you cool!
  • The best AC is actually a heat pump! That’s because a heat pump is up to three times more efficient than a traditional AC, which means a smaller carbon footprint and the potential for lower energy bills. Also, many heat pumps have features that let you cool your home more gradually, which feel comfier and more consistent from room to room. Your home’s haunts will thank you.